Demo Update - Abilities and More!

Hey folks, hope your holidays were fun and relaxing! We’ve been busy the last few weeks but found plenty of time to update our demo based on feedback. Below is a link to the download, a YouTube video showing off what’s new, and a change log of all the new features.

Our main goal was to replace the grappling hook mechanics, which while I know some people wanted us to keep it ultimately didn't fit with the kind of move set we want our platformer to have. We want the character to be in as much of the player's control as possible, and swinging just broke that goal. So, introducing three new Egyptian god-powered abilities: Amon's Second Wind, a hover ability that lets you remain in the air for a short time. Bastet's Feline Finesse, a wall jump ability. And finally, Horus's Holy Falcon, a fiery dash that can cut through enemies and go in all four cardinal directions.

We also have a new re-spawn system which is a little more lenient. The old system of re-spawning at checkpoint rooms only is still available, but the new system allows you to re-spawn in the room you just died in. This should make things A LOT less punishing for people. You still save by activating the checkpoint room.

Change Log:
• Three new abilities to replace the grappling hook mechanic: a hover, a wall jump, and a dash
• Several new rooms in the demo to show off the new abilities
• Updated re-spawn system with two options available when starting a new game. Normal mode re-spawns you in the room you died in at the nearest ankh statuette to where you first entered the room. Hardcore mode disables the ankh statuettes, re-spawning you at the last used checkpoint room. In all instances, saving the game occurs only when you activate a checkpoint room
• Swapped the collectible with the ankh so that the collectible is a rotating gem and the ankh is associated with the checkpoint rooms (aka the ankh altars). Thematically and mechanically, this felt like a no-brainer once people pointed it out!
• The pause menu displays the whip and obtainable abilities as they are collected
• Updated player deaths, specifically the burn and electrify deaths so they use more particles
• Save icon and a cutscene icon that indicate when those occur
• Updated control images in the settings menu so they are our original images (we were using stock sprites before)

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